Knowlarity IVR Integration

A basic IVR Integration that has the following features. Click to call on any number from any agent. Inbound call pop up handled using frappe.enqueue [consume stream api] and frappe relatime [show users the popup].

Knowlarity IVR Integration

A basic IVR Integration that has the following features:

  1. Click to call on any number from any agent.
  2. Inbound call pop up handled using frappe.enqueue [consume stream api] and frappe relatime [show users the popup].

Basic Flow

Most of the integration methods are defined are defined in integration/integration.py

Call Popup

  • An hourly scheduler that checks for the current running job and restart it if available
  • inbound_handler is the main function that streams the api for any response and calls stream_data_handler
  • stream_data_handler call publish_realtime to show users the popup

Click to Call

Check click_to_call function for working.

Installation & Usage

  • get-app: bench get-app https://labs.extensionerp.com/sameer/knowlarity_ivr_integration.git
  • install-app: bench install-app knowlarity_ivr_integration
  • Enter information in Knowlarity Settings doctype.
  • start the inbound_handler job: bench execute knowlarity_ivr_integration.integrations.integration.inbound_scheduler


  • After executing the inbound_handler the background worker job is started, so you can't perform a restart or it will fail. Haven't found any way, one can search for it.


  1. Knowlarity apis
  2. frappe scheduler docs
